Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Critical Summary 2

Critical Summary 2

Q Critical Summaries (Due 5/19, 5/26, 6/9): 15 points/5 points each) On three occasions this term you will compose a one-page critical summary of a specified reading (Evil and Omnipotence Reading) . These should be double-spaced summary of a reading. You may use bullet points. In addition to providing an overview of the main points in the reading, your critical summary must raise a critical question in connection with the reading, i.e., something that you find problematic with the reading or something that you think would require further exploration.

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In his work the ‘Evil and Omnipotence’ John Mackie discusses God’s existence through three assumptions – “God is omnipotent; God is wholly good; and yet evil exists.” (Mackie, 1955, p. 200). Mackie’s perception of God is founded on these three views, which are the premises upon which the discussion of the ‘Evil and Omnipotence’ rests. In his discussions, Mackie suggests that philosophy does not only question the existence of God, but can also prove that there is no God. However, Mackie’s argument is that, in order to justify the existence of God, believers in God should reject one of the three assumptions. Mackie believes that God cannot be almighty and all-good if evil exists.